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Stronger Than Before: Tips for Returning to Fitness Post-Op

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Stronger Than Before Tips for Returning to Fitness Post-Op

Getting back into fitness following surgery is never easy, but once you manage it, you can feel like an even better person. No matter what surgery you have, whether it is plastic surgery in Manchester or health-related treatment, invasive surgeries can put a long pause on your fitness goal timelines. Perhaps you were training for a marathon and it has been postponed. Or, perhaps you aimed to lose some weight in the gym and now you need to hold things off. Returning to your training routine should never be rushed, but there are habits to keep in mind to prepare your body for your old familiar routines.

In this blog, we will share some sacred tips for getting back into fitness following surgery. It doesn’t matter how invasive your train was, with the right care and recovery, you can get back to your old fitness levels and achieve heights never before reached. Take a look at the following suggestions:

Starting with the most important tip, you need to make sure that you are allowing your body enough time to heal. This may sound obvious, but the fitness freaks in a rush to get back on the horse are susceptible to shortening their receiver time, leading to more complications in the future. Your body’s like a delicate flower following surgery. You might feel physically strong, but your immune system will likely be weakened, which can go unnoticeable, and can ultimately lead to infection should the wound be exposed to anything. So, make sure you are sticking to the recommended surgery recovery time as appointed by your surgeon. They should have specified this before and after surgery, so listen to their timelines like the Bible and sit training out at least until you have exceeded the time threshold.

Start a little, then build

Even if you are a professional boxer, you still need to start small and build your fitness following surgery. Once you have been permitted to do so, you should start with some cardiovascular exercise such as a brisk walk. The key thing to keep in mind is you need to keep your choice of exercise as far away from the trouble area as possible. If you have had chest surgery, such as breast augmentation in Manchester, avoid doing any dumbbell exercise where you reach over your head or lift anything heavy. Start small, and target muscle groups that haven’t been affected by the surgery first.

Put a focus on stretching & physio

Recovery is a great time to invest time in stretching and physiotherapy. These types of workouts are key contributors to muscle repair, which has likely been damaged as a result of your surgery. Always consult with your surgeon before doing any deep stretching, in case the stitching is liable to tear. You may also consider working with a professional physiotherapist to promote faster recovery and mobility.

Avoid HIIT workouts

High-impact workouts should be avoided for a long period of time after surgery. Excessive jumping and heat can put stress on healing muscle tissue. This includes heavy lifting and expressive movement. You might be a running lover, but try to hold off on your highest-impact workouts until your surgeon has given you the go-ahead.

Modify your workouts

Get creative with your workouts following surgery. You should not have to compromise entirely, for example, if you love cycling in intense spin classes, take it down a notch and do a brisk cycle on an exercise bike. Keep the intensity low, and simply focus on the rotation of your legs. This will reduce the strain on your joints that exercise, such as running, can present.

Pair fitness with diet & hydration

Want to know the secret to a seamless recovery? Diet and nutrition are key aspects in supporting your body’s recovery. As long as you are following a nutritious diet, including proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals with fiber, you will be lending your body a helping hand in repairing itself. Also, hydration is essential after surgery, as your body has likely lost a lot of fluids. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day as standard, and aim for more when you start to implement low-intensity workouts into your routine.

Listen to your body

Sometimes you need to forget what everyone is telling you. You may be 3 months post-op and have the green light to start running again. But, if you still feel tender and fragile in the surgical area, hold off. Recovery after surgery is not a race. Everyone has a different time frame in which they feel completely healed, so listen to what your body is telling you.

Bottom line

You might be itching to get back to working out following surgery. This is normal, especially if you have been left to recover and lose your mind to boredom. Despite this, you need to ease your way back into fitness after surgery. Adjusting your goals is essential if you want to give yourself the best opportunity to get back to optimal health and reignite your workout routine. Rest, replenish, and then, once you are ready, get back to doing what you love!

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