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Father of Economics – A Beginner’s Guide of Economics

by Admin
Father of Economics

People tend to get some interest in the field of Economics nowadays. But there are a lot of people who get scared by this small but scary word. But you need not worry. We are here to help you understand what economics is.

What is Economics?

To put it in simple words, Economics runs the world. So if you want to know how this world runs, then economics would be a fascinating chapter for you.

Father of Economics
Image. Father of Economics

Economics throws its light on the complicated issues of society. The study of scarcity is Economics. Economics shows how it affects. It shows the usage of resources, how commodities and services can get production, and how production and welfare increase over time. Economics is not only the study of numbers, but it covers every area and aspect of every subject of this world.

Who is the father of Economics?

An 18th-century Scottish philosopher-economist-author Adam Smith is familiar as the father of Economics. 

Why is Adam familiar as the father of Economics?

Smith is familiar as the father of Economics for his limitless contribution to economics, specifically for his three theories. These three theories are capitalism, free markets, and supply and demand.

  • Smith introduced the concept of an invisible hand in his first book, The Theory of Moral Sentiments. The theory of the invisible hand is the propensity of free markets to govern themselves via competition, supply and demand, and self-interest.
  • Two of Smith’s most famous creations are the gross domestic product (GDP) and the theory of compensating wage differentials.

Some other famous creations of the father of Economics are The philosophy of the free market and The idea of wealth and the production of goods.

Adam Smith was also a writer. Some books are, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Lectures on Justice, The Wealth of Nations, Police, Revenue, and Arms, and Essays on Philosophical Subjects.

What is Trading Economics?

Trading Economics, or Economics survey, provides its users with reliable statistics for 196 countries. The statistics, or data, include historical data and forecasts for more than 20 million economic indicators, currency rates, stock market indices, government bond yields, and commodity prices, which are available to consumers.

What are the key Economic Indicators?

Before diving into Economic Indicators, we must know what an Economic Indicator is. 

Image. Economics Indicator

To put it in simple words, an Economic Indicator is an instrument that measures economic activity. In the frequencies of more than once per year, it also helps to offer the periodic tracking of economic trends. Some examples of Economic activities are industrial output, price levels, unemployment rate, GNP, etc.

There are various Economic indicators, but the followings are the best in India.

  1. Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – GDP or Gross Domestic Product cites the value of goods and services. It is now frequently used as a benchmark for measuring the strength of both national and global economies.
  2. Gross National Product (GNP) – GNP is the subtraction of the money that foreign citizens who live in the country send home from GDP and adding the income that residents receive from foreign investments.
  3. National Debt – National debt refers to a country’s outstanding borrowing (usually including national and local government). Although there may be economic advantages, People call National debt a burden.
  4. Inflation – Inflation shows the yearly rise in the price of products, services, and wages. High inflation is indeed a bad sign.
  5. Unemployment – It is a lagging indicator. In this type, the number of newly added or lost jobs in a given month shows the economic health. If new firms or positions get created, several individuals may get employment. As these people find jobs, they will increase their spending, which is excellent for the economy.
  6. Interest Rates – Interest Rates are also a lagging indicator. When interest rates increase, borrowers are likely to apply for loans. As a result, consumers and businesses remain deterred from taking on debt, and the GDP reduces. A rise in the demand for money and a greater chance of inflation might result from excessively low-interest rates.

Some other economic indicators in India are Income and Wages, Manufacturing Activity, Currency Strength, Consumer Price Index (CPI), Stock Market, Demographics, Balance of Trade, Credit Rating, and Distribution of Wealth.

What is managerial Economics?

Managerial Economics is a way by which firms can receive various rational solutions. Managerial Economics is a mixture of different theories and business practices that help the decision-making process in the face of economic issues.

Image. Managerial Economics

To put it sophistically, Managerial Economics is a branch of Economics that bring different theories, various concepts, and methodologies of economics that people use for business management.

There are various types of Managerial Economics, which are as follows.

Liberal Managerialism

Different Customers have different tastes according to the market trends. So, in Liberal Managerialism, a firm has to continuously renew its policies according to customers’ demand and market trends.

Radical Managerialism

Radical Managerialism comes with a revolutionary solution. It works where the conventional approach can not. In this type of Managerialism economics, the consumers’ needs and satisfaction receive many priorities.

Normative Managerialism

It means the decisions, which will be real-life experience based, will be in the hands of the administration. The administration’s decision will be for the sake of the growth of the business, and it will evolve around product design, forecasting, marketing, supply and demand analysis, and recruitment.


Understanding the whole of Economics will be like diving into the depth of the sea. But to know how this world functions or runs, one needs to understand Economics. And if you are into the world of Business, Economics is a necessary chapter for you.

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